Feel good about yourself this holiday season by supporting local artists, artisans, and small businesses.I’m selling art in a broad range of styles, sizes, and price points from $7 to $6,000, stocking stuffers to …substantially larger work (6′ x 8′).Black Friday Art SaleWhile my latest paintings are on display in the gallery space, I will also be pulling old work from the archives and pieces that aren’t on my website. However, if you would like to see a piece that is included in my online portfolio, visible on this site.

Please let me know and I will gladly show it to you.I’m moving to a new location, where I will have space to paint, show my work, and teach lessons. I’d like to find good homes for my paintings so I have less things I need to move, so I might just cut you a deal if there’s a piece that you really like.If you can’t make it, there is a closing reception for YOU ARE HERE and an art sale on December 7th, first Friday, or you can make an appointment to come visit at another time.  Happy Thanksgiving!